Sunday, April 7, 2013

Better Sleep Month

Better Sleep Month

Insomnia means trouble either falling asleep or staying asleep. The prevalence of insomnia is staggering, with more than 30 percent of American adults suffering from occasional bouts of insomnia and 10 percent of Americans experiencing chronic insomnia.

When it comes to massage therapy, an individual can gain an amount of benefits for insomnia. The major reason which causes insomnia is restlessness. The pressure and the trauma in today’s world leave a person with a restless state of mind and body.

The relentless pressures affect the nerves of an individual. These nerves can get so strained that even taking a nap can seem to be impossible to a person. Massage therapy can have the most soothing effect on the nerves and the restless mind of a person.

By having regular sessions of massage therapy there can be an increase in the production of stress-relieving and the pleasure-inducing hormones such as the endorphins. When these hormones are released in the body they provide a soothing effect to the mind. A person can feel elevated and at peace when these hormones are released.

Massage therapy uses the power of touch in relaxing the nerves and the muscles in the body. It can also help in countering the anxiety disorders that are a common symptom in people suffering from insomnia.

The toxins accumulated from time to time can be released out of the body in massage therapy. Thus, it is one of the best methods available for curing the insomnia.

Schedule your massage for the month of May for $10 off in honor of better sleep month.

30 minute for $15/60 minute for $30
